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Terms and conditions of use
The information in this site is limited to general information about Halford Accountants Limited (known as ‘Halford Accountants’).
Important information
Any use of this web site is subject to these Terms & Conditions and any contrary use is unauthorised. Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully, noting that they may be revised at any time. Your subsequent and/or any continued use of this site constitutes your continued acceptance of any such revised Terms & Conditions.
Halford Accountants reserves the right to terminate or restrict your access to this site for any or no reason, at any time without notice. Halford Accountants reserves the right to amend or remove any content of this site at any time without notice to you.
Your access will be monitored and in order to improve our service to you, we will occasionally use a “cookie”. A cookie is data that our web server sends to your web browser when you visit certain parts of our site. The cookie’s main objective is to identify you and to personalise your visit by customising your web pages.
Although this site and its content have been compiled with considerable care, it may not be accurate or complete. It may also include technical errors from time to time which are beyond our control. Halford Accountants advise you to confirm the accuracy of any information supplied before seeking to rely on such information.
Halford Accountants shall have no liability for any data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alterations of any kind arising out of the use of this site.
Opinions expressed are made at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice.
Data protection and privacy policy
Information provided by you will be held in confidence by Halford Accountants and will not be passed on by Halford Accountants to other product or service companies other than those associated with Halford Accountants or of its holding company. By accepting these terms and conditions, you are confirming that your details may be used by Halford Accountants or any entity associated with it or its holding company to send you information on other products and services that they offer. If you prefer not to receive such information, please contact Halford Accountants. You have the right to obtain a copy of any information held about you (see below).
Third party relationships
We provide third party links for your convenience. Halford Accountants do not assume any responsibility for the content of such websites nor the services or products offered through them. We will never make your name or address available to unconnected parties.
Although you may contact Halford Accountants by e-mail regarding any queries as to the information on this site, we advise that confidential information sent by e-mail may not be secure. You can visit us in person or contact us via telephone in regards to confidential information. When we contact you by telephone or when you telephone us, calls are recorded and may be monitored to ensure security for you and to help maintain our service quality.
The entire content of this website is copyright material of Halford Accountants unless otherwise indicated. This site is purely for browsing purposes and you may copy information from this site for your own private or domestic use. All other copying is prohibited.
You must not at any time interfere with or violate the security of this site or use this site in a manner which adversely affects its functionality.
Waiver and limitation of liability
This site and all site materials are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.
Halford Accountants makes no representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. By using this site, you assume any and all risks that this site and any content on it may be incomplete, inaccurate, out of date or not meet your requirements.
In no event shall Halford Accountants be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this site or any information that is contains. Should the law of a particular jurisdiction not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for any type of damages then our maximum liability for any type of damages shall be limited to £500.00.
Data protection and privacy statement
Halford Accountants is a trading name of Halford Accountants Limited.
All personal information obtained by Halford Accountants or its holding company on or through this website is processed in accordance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law, 2005.
Personal data
Please do not send us any personal data if you object to such information being processed by us in the ways described below.
No personal or sensitive data will be used other than for the purpose for which it was originally obtained and all personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.
Client database
Should you contact us via this website, your contact details may be added to our client database. Information provided by you will be held in confidence by Halford Accountants and will not be passed on by Halford Accountants to other product or service companies other than those associated with Halford Accountants or of its holding company. By accepting these terms and conditions, you are confirming that your details may be used by Halford Accountants or any entity associated with it or its holding company to send you information on other products and services that they offer. If you prefer not to receive such information, please contact Halford Accountants. You have the right to obtain a copy of any information held about you.
If you do not wish to be included in the client database, please email duncan@halfordaccountants.com
Please mark all correspondence in this respect for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.
Right of access to personal data
You may request and receive copies of any personal data that Halford Accountants may hold about you. Should you wish at any time to receive a copy of this information, please contact the Data Protection Officer at the above address. Any such request should be in writing and should clearly identify who you are.
Les Sapins
Rue De La Guilleamerie
St Saviour
Jersey, JE2 7XF
Channel Islands
Right of rectification or erasure
You may request that any inaccuracies in the data we hold about you be corrected, and that any personal data that we hold about you, which we do not have a legitimate reason to retain, be erased.
Upon entering the Halford Accountants website your computer will automatically be issued with a cookie. This is a file that identifies your computer (but not your individual identity) to our server. The information we obtain may include your Internet Protocol or “IP” address (a unique number assigned to each computer connected to the internet), the date, time and duration of your visit. Halford Accountants will only use cookies for the purpose of monitoring the use of its website and may update the website accordingly to make it more user-friendly.
Right to refuse cookies
You have the option to deactivate cookies within your Internet settings. The procedure for doing so will vary depending on the system you are operating. By way of example, if you are using Internet Explorer to browse the internet, you may deactivate cookies by selecting ‘Tools’, ‘Internet Options’, choosing the ‘Privacy’ tab, clicking on ‘Advanced’, checking the ‘Override Automatic Cookie Handling’ box, and choosing ‘Block’ or ‘Prompt’ as appropriate.
Accuracy and completeness of data
Halford Accountants endeavours to ensure that all data held are accurate, complete and up-to-date. We shall hold no more data than necessary for the purpose for which we hold such data. It is our policy to review from time-to-time this data and delete any which is no longer necessary.
Amendment to privacy statement
Halford Accountants reserves the right to amend this privacy statement at any time without notice. It is therefore recommended that it be viewed on a regular basis in order to monitor any such changes.
Acceptance of privacy statement
By using the Halford Accountants website you are accepting the terms of this privacy statement. Should you not agree to any of these terms then you should not continue to use the website.